
I &hearts Magazines

Just received my first copy of National Geographic Traveler!!! There's nothing better than sitting down to a stack of shiny new magazines and a cup of tea on a rainy day.

What is on your periodical reading list?


Love &hearts is in the Air

Then i slipped, tripped..

models... is your answer

image: shopbop

What do you think of the lingerie-inspired trend for summer? So romantic! I like it, but let's not take it too far people. Oh, I just bought a grey silk skirt from Anthropologie similar to the one above (ignore the Edward & Bella, heh).


New Apartment

Image: apartmenttherapy.com

Slowly moving into my new apartment. The slowly part necessitated by ShipSmart (oh, the irony) moving my belongings up the West coast at approximately 3 mph. Seriously, it's been 25 days and my stuff has not arrived. Beginning to think ShipSmart is coming up the Oregon Trail in a covered wagon.

Ahh pardon the rant. Anyway, the good part of moving is finally getting all of your stuff organized and set-up the way you want it. Also, buying things. I am trying very hard to curtail my accumulation of stuff since after 4 moves in about a year, I realize the benefits of owning only essentials (granted, I am a girl whose definition of essentials means a walk-in-closet full of "basics" and "investment pieces"). Nevertheless, there are certain things I absolutely need, such as a tv stand.

I'm using these photos as inspiration for decorating a small space. They are of a studio apartment but somehow seem very spacious and airy.

Image: apartmenttherapy.com


Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn (oh my)

Flashback: Year 2003
"Does your school have Facebook?"
"I don't think so, is it like a yearbook?"
"Kind of... But it's online and you can search for people and become friends with them."
"Why would I want to befriend people I don't know?"
"They aren't people you don't know, you already know them!"
"Why would I want to befriend people online that I'm friends with in real life?"

Year 2006:
"You have to join MySpace already! You're like the only person not on it!"
"But I already have Facebook..."

Year 2009 - watching CNN:
"Up next, Demi Moore stops suicide attempt via online community, Twitter."

Just linked my Blackberry to Twitter to Facebook and blogged about it. Sigh.


One Day in LA

The weather is perfect, the people are beautiful, the traffic is terrible, and your waiter is more than likely an actor/model/musician/director/writer. Whatever your take on LA (I have heard some refer to it as the "armpit of America"), none can deny its uniqueness in all the fakeness.

11:40am: Arrived at LAX via Virgin America (yay for touch screen ordering and purple airplane lights).
12pm: Waiting, waiting, waiting in line for a taxi (why is it so difficult to get a cab at the airport here??!!).
12:30pm: Sitting in mid-day traffic on the way to UCLA while trying to explain to the driver that 1) he needs to take Sunset Blvd. to campus and 2) no, I do not speak Mandarin or any variation of it, unfortunately.
1-5pm: Arrive on campus, meet up with my student guide for the day, attend 2 classes (Business Strategy and Managing & Leading Organizations), marvel at how laid-back and welcoming everyone seems, pepper my guide with questions throughout whilst worrying that admissions apps are due in less than 5 months!!!!
5:30pm: Diddy Riese and dinner with a friend in Westwood.
8pm: Head back to SFO.
9:30pm: Step out of baggage claim and get a taxi in less than 2 minutes flat. I love SF.

UCLA - ain't it pretty?
Mmmm chocolate- white chocolate chip with espresso ice-cream. Yeah, I have a terrible sweet tooth and the fillings to prove it.
The lovely and multi-talented Ashley (no, she is not a waitress) with her Diddy Riese.


Almost Summer...

image: freewebs.com

It's a beautiful, sunny day in SF and I'm taking advantage of it! Enjoy summer while it lasts, go outside and get some sun- it's good for you! Bring a book and grab a cuppa joe to go (my fave is Philz in Mission Bay), sit under a tree, just remember the sunscreen...


MAC Paint Pots - Fun for Everyone

Every time I've bought MAC makeup, I actually use it. This unlike all the Clinique free gift stuff I invariably collect.

Just bought this (but do not fear, not in this Blue Man Group color).

Image: maccosmetics.com

I love it, really great on its own or as a base to layer over. Think I'm acting out all my suppressed pre-school painting desires on my face. Sigh. I never did go to pre-school... Anyway, if you are a guy and never experienced the fun that your day could begin with, painting yourself with a brush in the morning like some tribal warrior, you are missing out my friend.

About This Site

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JetsettingGypsy is a blog by a 24-year old American who was born in Singapore and has lived in only cities beginning with an "S" (San Diego, Seattle, San Francisco) ever since (though not purpose).


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